The search of new information fusion techniques under uncertainty is
currently a hot topic in almost every research field, from image processing, classification,
data stream clustering, brain computer interfaces, decision making to deep learning and
adaptative neuro fuzzy inference systems. This interest has led to new analysis of the
notion of aggregation function and the introduction of new concepts that go beyond usual
aggregation functions, either by considering more general definitions (e.g., considering
weaker forms of monotonicity), or by extending them to other frameworks different from
that of the unit interval (e.g., intervals, lattices). The aim of this section is to promote the
discussion of the up-to-date theoretical research in the topic, as well as their applications.
Humberto Bustince
Department of Statistics,
Informatics and Mathematics,
Universidad Publica de Navarra – UPNA, Spain,
H. Bustince was graduated in Physics (1983) by the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain),
with PhD degree (1994) in mathematics from the Universidad Publica de Navarra -UPNA
(Spain). He is a full professor at UPNA and Honorary Professor at the University of
Nottingham. Currently, he is the President of the International Fuzzy System Association
– IFSA. He has authored more than 480 works in conferences and international journals.
Graçaliz Pereira Dimuro
Computacional Science Center,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil,
G.P. Dimuro received the M.Sc. (1991) and PhD (1998) degrees from Universidade
Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). She is a full professor with Universidade Federal
do Rio Grande (Brazil). In 2015, she was a POS-DOC of CNPq/Brazil, with GIARA
group at Universidad Publica de Navarra – UPNA (Spain), in 2017, she had a talent grant
with the Institut of Smart Cities of UPNA, and, in 2020-2022, she was a visitant professor
at UPNA. She is a productivity researcher fellow of level 1 of the Brazilian Funding
Agency CNPq. Currently, she is the secretary of the International Fuzzy System
Association – IFSA. She has authored more than 200 works in conferences and
international journals.
Javier Fernández
Department of Statistics, Informatics and Mathematics,
Universidad Publica de Navarra – UPNA, Spain,
J. Fernandez received the M.Sc. (1999) and Ph.D (2003) degrees in mathematics from the
University of Zaragoza and University of the Basque Country, respectively. He has
authored or coauthored approximately 160 original articles. Currently, he is a Titular
Lecturer with the Public University of Navarre, Spain.
Tiago da Cruz Asmus
Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil,
T. Asmus received the M.Sc. (2013) and Ph.D. (2022) degrees from the Universidade
Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil, and Universidad Publica de Navarra, Spain,
respectively. Currently, he is an Adjunct Professor with FURG. His research interests are
fusion processes under uncertainty.
Benjamin Bedregal
Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil,
B. Bedregal received the M.Sc. (1987) and Ph.D. (1996) in Computer Science from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. In 2005, he was a Pos-Doc at the Federal
University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and, in 2011, at the Public University of Navarra,
Spain. Since 2016, he is full professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.
He is a productivity researcher fellow of level 1 of the Brazilian Funding Agency CNPq.